Well my first batch of listings have sold, and I'm very happy with the results as nearly everything sold. I am happy to see that my handwritten letters auction received some bids, and I am looking forward to writing to the winner and encourage the winner to post here too.
I just listed a bunch more stuff on eBay, mostly books. But I also
listed one especially interesting item. Just as with the handwritten letters, I am going to try to list one weird and unique item a week on eBay, and this weeks one is both weird and unique for sure. Up for auction is a psychic prediction from me. You can view the listing here
Psychic Predict Your Future Auction For this auction, I will sit down long and hard, thinking about the winner. I will then come up with some lucky numbers, a general prediction about their life, and I will allow them to ask me TWO specific questions about their lives that I will do my best to answer.
Now I never have claimed to be a psychic, and this is all in good fun. I have had a few weird encounters though, but they can be chalked up to coincidence. One time I dreamed about my Uncle, woke up and received a call later that day saying he died last night. Another time I put a picture up of Joey Bishop on facebook, and also changed my status about him too as I was rewatching The Joey Bishop Show all week long. Well after I did this, within 24 hours news broke out about his death. I posted everything while he was still alive. Other than those two things, I never had any psychic moments in my life.
Hope to see you bid, be sure to digg this and stumbleupon it to help get the word out. Thanks a million.