Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Stumble Upon Toolbar

I added a bunch more stuff today. Mainly some text books. It was boring typing up all the product descriptions, so some of them I got pretty funny with. I'm gonna try to add a lot more stuff again and keep up with it now.

My psychic prediction auction isn't going to hot. Only a couple views so far.

Received payment for my custom letter auction. Hopefully I'll get around to writing the first letter soon. Really looking forward to this, hopefully it is a good experience.

Got a comment on one of my blogs for a weird auction. I'm a fan of Ninja Turtles so I decided to help promote it. You can visit it here, it is a Jesus Turtle Shell It is kind of hard to see, but still made me laugh.

With eBay being overtaken by businesses, it is nice to see other people having fun with it.

As always check out my ebay listings at http://myworld.ebay.com/imsellingmylifehelp

1 comment:

Artstudio Sri Lanka said...

No matter what you are selling on ebay if your listing is big it is always prudent to use a store management system such as ListEasy to make it easier for you.